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To convert yyyymmddhhmmss string format to datetime in Microsoft Sql Server, you can use below sql script:
update PageContent
set NewDatetimeColumn = convert(datetime, stuff(stuff(stuff(OldDateAsStringColumn, 9, 0, ' '), 12, 0, ':'), 15, 0, ':'))
NewDatetimeColumn column is defined in the PageContent table and will be used to store OldDateAsStringColumn's string value after conversion operation.
After run this script, for example, 20090513024903 string value will be 2009-05-13 02:49:03.000...Continue Reading
The transaction isolation levels in JDBC help us to determine whether the concurrently running transactions in a DB can affect each other or not. If there are 2 or more transactions concurrently accessing the same DataBase, then we need to prevent the actions of the transactions from interfering with each other. The above is achieved using the isolation levels in JDBC....Continue Reading
When Microsoft SQL Server 2014 is setup, Reporting Services uses 80 port. To change this port, go to following directory:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS12.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer
then, open rsreportserver.config file with any text editor and replace......Continue Reading