Dompdf Create Watermark and Page Numbers

$options = new Options();
$options->set('isPhpEnabled', 'true');
$dompdf = new Dompdf($options); 
$dompdf->setPaper('A4', ''); 
// Instantiate canvas instance
$canvas = $dompdf->getCanvas();
$w = $canvas->get_width();
$h = $canvas->get_height();
$pageNumberWidth = $w / 2;
$pageNumberHeight = $h - 50;

if ($PAGE_NUM > 1) {
    $current_page = $PAGE_NUM-1;
    $total_pages = $PAGE_COUNT-1;
    $font = $fontMetrics->getFont("times", "normal"); 
    $pdf->text(297.64, 791.89, "$current_page / $total_pages", $font, 10, array(0,0,0));
    $pdf->image($GLOBALS["logo1"], 475.28, 771.89, 50, 50);
    $pdf->image($GLOBALS["logo2"], 75.28, 771.89, 50, 50);
$canvas->set_opacity(.1,'Multiply');//Multiply means apply to all pages.
// Specify watermark text
$text = "";
// Instantiate font metrics class
$fontMetrics = new FontMetrics($canvas, $options);
$font = $fontMetrics->getFont('times');
$txtHeight = $fontMetrics->getFontHeight($font, 150);
$textWidth = $fontMetrics->getTextWidth($text, $font, 40);

$x = (($w-$textWidth)/2);
$y = (($h-$txtHeight)/2);

//page_text method applies text to all pages.
$canvas->page_text($x, $y, $text, $font, 40,$color = array(255,0,0), 
        $word_space = 0.0, $char_space = 0.0, $angle = 20.0);

return $dompdf->stream($project->code . '.pdf', array("Attachment" => 0));

At Line 2: This option must be set because we will use it in the page_script() method at line 17.

At Line 7: To add watermark and page number, we should render HTML content before.

At Line 15, 16: $GLOBALS keyword is used for passing variables to page_script() method.

At Line 22:To prevent the page number opacity from changing , override opacity value defined at line 25.

At Line 25: This opacity value is used for images which are defined at line 26 and 27.

Some Notes:

- page_text() method applies to all pages, but notice that page is starting from zero.

- If you want to ignore first page, you should use æ,$canvas->page_script() method.

- As seen above example, $PAGE_NUM variable is accessible from page_script() method.

- set_opacity() method has a second parameter to apply opacity to all pages or single page. Second parameter value is Multiply in this example, which means apply to all pages. This second parameter is optional. If not specified, default value is Normal

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