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Getting images from Scanner in C#, we will use ShowTransfer() method of WIA.ICommonDialog class in Windows Image Acqusition(WIA) library
Full Code
WIA.ICommonDialog dialog = new WIA.CommonDialog();
WIA.Device device = dialog.ShowSelectDevice(WIA.WiaDeviceType.UnspecifiedDeviceType, true, false);
var d = device.DeviceID;
WIA.DeviceManager manager = new WIA.DeviceManager();
foreach (WIA.DeviceInfo info in manager.DeviceInfos)
if (info.DeviceID == d)
// connect to scanner
device = WiaDeviceId.Connect();
}...Continue Reading
<ListView Height="230" Grid.Row="0"
Name="lstKullaniciGrupListesiCoklu" SelectedValuePath="GrupKodu"
SelectionMode="Single" Padding="5">
<GridView AllowsColumnReorder="False"
ColumnHeaderContainerStyle="{DynamicResource CustomColumnHeader}">
<GridViewColumn Header="Grup Adı" Width="370"
DisplayMemberBinding="{Binding Path=Adi}" />
<...Continue Reading
In order to use CheckBox ListBox in a WPF application, we should use custom ListBox list.
There are three steps to accomplish this:
1. Create a class which will represent items of the ListBox.
2. Create a List object consisting of the custom item class defined in step 1.
3. Add ListBox.ItemTemplate into <ListBox> element to create CheckBox ListBox.
4. Create a custom MultiValueConverter if you want to initialize the CheckBox items to be selected or not.
Step 1: Create Country class for ListBox items
internal class Country
public strin...Continue Reading
There's no auto conversion process for turning a WPF Windows Application into a WPF Browser Application (XBAP); You'll need to create a new WPF Browser Application project, and add copies of the files by hand by using the "add existing file" features in Solution Explorer. However, the more important work you will need to do......Continue Reading